Piles in India is generally used as a loose common term to include piles, hemorrhoids, fistulas and fissures with skin tags.
Fistulas are an abnormal small opening next to the anus from where discharge keeps occurring. This is due to a tunnel like tract between the anal canal and the skin. This condition always requires surgery for cure.
Fissure with skin tags lead to painful bleeding due to a small cut at the anal margin. It is usually associated with skin tags that are mistakenly called piles. This condition resolves in majority of the patients by use of creams and medicines to treat constipation. Skin tags can sometimes be a source of great irritation due to micro-incontinence. Rarely the patient needs surgery.
True piles are those that present with PAINLESS BLEEDING due to swelling up of blood vessels in the anal canal.
Piles (Haemorrhoids) are swollen and inflamed blood vessels (veins) in the rectum and anus. Piles are broadly classified as follows:
External: Piles that are outside the anal verge
Internal: Piles that occur inside the rectum
Dietary causes can therefore be safely identified as the main culprit, as it is also most common among populations with diets that are deficient in fiber. Apart from frequent or severe constipation conditions like pregnancy and obesity or certain medications and also a few diseases can cause piles.
Piles is therefore quite clearly not a disease and definitely not contagious or communicable. Piles, on the contrary, is a symptom and should be regarded as a warning sign of changes that need to be made. The most effective way to treat the condition with any long term success is by identifying the cause and taking appropriate action to remedy the cause. Treatment directed only at the condition itself will promote healing and offer great relief but do nothing about the causes itself. This means that the condition will continue to recur and the next recurrence could be a lot more severe. The other worrying prospect is that of more serious disorders and complications emerging if the warning signs are not treated seriously and the condition not cured.
The most important measure that you can take towards curing hemorrhoids or piles on a long term basis would be to make some vital dietary changes and incorporate adequate physical activity into your life. Ideally your diet should comprise largely of fresh fruits and vegetables, while sea foods and lean meats can be included in the diet. The diet should have adequate content of fiber as diets that are rich in fats and low in fiber are know to be the biggest cause of chronic constipation and consequentially of piles.
Foods that are high in saturated fats and oils like junk foods need to be avoided. Refined foods are also not very healthy for your digestive system and foods like white bread should be replaced with whole meal breads. Always choose whole meal foods over their refined varieties as refined food has almost no fiber content. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of dietary fiber. For some added roughage and as a remedy you can also consume some psyllium husk everyday. This simply needs to be mixed with water and drunk.
Piles Causes
Piles Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
External piles present as a swelling outside the anus with irritation and itching. These can be painful sometimes and usually do not bleed.
Internal piles are usually not painful but these bleed when they are irritated such as during the passage of hard stools. They can be classified into four grades:
• Grade 1 piles are small swellings on the inside lining of the anus. They cannot be seen or felt from outside the anus.
• Grade 2 piles are partly pushed out (prolapse) from the anus when you go to the toilet, but quickly 'retract back' inside again.
• Grade 3 piles hang out (prolapse) from the anus and are felt as one or more small, soft lumps that hang from the anus. However, they can be pushed back inside the anus with a finger.
• Grade 4 piles permanently hang down from within the anus, and cannot be pushed back inside. They can sometimes become quite large.
Some of the other symptoms generally associated with piles are:
• Protrusion of piles outside the anus; this usually occurs after defecation, prolonged standing or unusual physical exertion
• Bleeding from the anus: This can occur before, during or after stools. This will be bright red blood, not usually mixed with the stools, but often seen on the toilet paper
• Soreness, pain, itching in the anal region
• In case of profuse bleeding that is chronic, the patient may be anemic
• Sensation of something coming down, or a bulge or lump at the anus
• If the piles outside the anus develop a blood clot inside, (thrombosed piles) it leads to a particularly tender, hard lump
Internal piles are usually not painful but these bleed when they are irritated such as during the passage of hard stools. They can be classified into four grades:
• Grade 1 piles are small swellings on the inside lining of the anus. They cannot be seen or felt from outside the anus.
• Grade 2 piles are partly pushed out (prolapse) from the anus when you go to the toilet, but quickly 'retract back' inside again.
• Grade 3 piles hang out (prolapse) from the anus and are felt as one or more small, soft lumps that hang from the anus. However, they can be pushed back inside the anus with a finger.
• Grade 4 piles permanently hang down from within the anus, and cannot be pushed back inside. They can sometimes become quite large.
Some of the other symptoms generally associated with piles are:
• Protrusion of piles outside the anus; this usually occurs after defecation, prolonged standing or unusual physical exertion
• Soreness, pain, itching in the anal region
• In case of profuse bleeding that is chronic, the patient may be anemic
• Sensation of something coming down, or a bulge or lump at the anus
• If the piles outside the anus develop a blood clot inside, (thrombosed piles) it leads to a particularly tender, hard lump
Chronic Constipation, Bowel Disorders
The primary cause of piles is chronic constipation and other bowel disorders. The straining in order to evacuate the constipated bowels, and the pressure thus caused on the surrounding veins leads to piles. Piles are more common during pregnancy and in conditions affecting the liver and upper bowel.
Other Causes
Other causes are prolonged periods of standing or sitting , strenuous work, obesity, general weakness of the tissues of the body, mental tension, and heredity.
These include the following:
• Genetic predisposition (weak rectal veins, walls)
• Poor muscle tone in the rectal region
• Constipation
• Obesity
• Sedentary lifestyle
• Chronic cough
• Pregnancy
• Overuse of laxatives or enemas
• Lifting heavy weights habitually
Piles and their symptoms, which are one of the most common afflictions in the Western world, are also seen commonly in India. Not many people like to talk about it hence true statistics in India are not available. In the west over half the population over the age of 50 suffer from it. However they can occur at any age and can affect both women and men.
Because the presence of pile tissue is normal, it acts as a compressible lining which allows the anus to close completely. Disease should be thought of as pile tissue that causes significant symptoms. Unfortunately, piles tend to get worse over time, and disease should be treated as soon as it occurs.
An exact cause is unknown; however, the upright posture of humans alone forces a great deal of pressure on the rectal veins, which sometimes causes them to bulge. Other contributing factors include:
Chronic constipation or diarrhea
Faulty bowel function due to overuse of laxatives or enemas; straining during bowel movements
Spending long periods of time (e.g., reading) on the toilet
Whatever the cause, the tissues supporting the veins stretch. As a result, the veins dilate; their walls become thin and bleed. If the stretching and pressure continue, the weakened veins protrude.
Piles may be caused by more than one factor. Piles can be either internal or external, and patients may have both types. External piles occur below the dentate line and are generally painful. When inflamed they become red and painful, and if they become clotted, they can cause severe pain and be felt as a painful mass in the anal area. Internal piles are located above the dentate line and are usually painless. Dentate line is a line seen in the anal canal that demarcates the area with pain sensation from that without it.
Piles that protrude into but do not prolapse out of the anal canal they are classed as grade I; if they prolapse on defecation but spontaneously reduce they are grade II; piles that require manual reduction are grade III; and if they cannot be reduced they are grade IV. Piles that remain prolapsed may develop thrombosis and gangrene.
Symptoms of piles/ hemorrhoids can include
Faecal soiling,
Itching, and
Very occasionally pain.
Internal hemorrhoids cannot cause cutaneous pain, but they can bleed and prolapse. Prolapsing internal hemorrhoids can cause perianal pain by causing a spasm of the sphincter complex. This spasm results in discomfort while the prolapsed hemorrhoids are exposed. The discomfort is relieved with reduction. Internal hemorrhoids can also cause acute pain when incarcerated and strangulated. Again, the pain is related to the sphincter complex spasm. Strangulation with necrosis may cause more deep discomfort. When these catastrophic events occur, the sphincter spasm often causes concomitant external thrombosis. External thrombosis causes acute cutaneous pain.
Internal hemorrhoids can deposit mucus onto the perianal tissue with prolapse. This mucus with microscopic stool contents can cause a localized dermatitis, which is called pruritus ani. Generally, hemorrhoids are merely the vehicle by which the offending elements reach the perianal tissue. Hemorrhoids are not the primary offenders.
The best way to prevent haemorrhoids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs. Increased fibre in the diet helps reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and easier to pass. If the diet cannot be modified in this way, adding bulk laxatives may be necessary; they can prevent worsening of the condition. There are numerous creams and suppositories that can relieve anal irritation and pain, but they rarely provide long term benefit.
In addition, a person should not sit on the toilet for a long period of time
Piles Diet
Fruit Diet
The treatment of the basic cause, namely, chronic constipation, is the only way to get rid of the trouble. To begin with, the entire digestive tract must be given a complete rest for a few days and the intestines thoroughly cleansed. For this purpose, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for, at least, seven days. Thereafter he may adopt a diet of natural foods aimed at securing soft stools.
For best treatment
Sujok Accupuncher Accupressure
Contact :
Sanjay Verma
Sai Accupuncher / Acupressure
1 Vynktesh Nagar, Airport Road Indore 452005 India
E : sanjayverma0289@yahoo.com
M : 0091 99811 25993 / 91 8269318533
B : www.sujok-accupressure.blogspot.com
B : www.Sujok-Accupuncher-Accupressure.blogspot.com
Good awareness about piles......
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ReplyDeleteThe Causes of Piles or hemorrhoids are swelled up blood vessels in the bottom area of the anal canal. Prolonged straining at stools often disturbs the stool evacuation mechanism leading to piles. Most common cause includes straining which is mainly due to constipation, increase abdominal pressure due to pregnancy, childbirth, and weight lifting, jobs which require long sitting hours, low fiber diet intake along with obesity. you can call at 9015100300 or write to us at doctor@vedascure.in. You can also visit
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